Sheryl Haystead loved teaching kids God's Word. These writings are from her last years of teaching Sunday School and are full of wisdom and compassion for the little ones Jesus loves so dearly--Sheryl loved them, too.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's Easiest?

What's easiest for you in your Sunday School class: playing, listening or talking?

Well for me, it's probably talking! As teachers, I think we're tempted to be giving directions, asking questions, talking about what's going on in the class all too often. And it's not that any of those things are bad--but for me, I need to remember to stop and listen more than I need to remember to stop and talk! Because when I listen,

  • I hear what Daley has done this week at home,
  • I discover what James most enjoys playing with,
  • I learn what Ella's perspective on life really is

And those discoveries are the clues I need so that my words can connect what is in God's Word with the everyday lives of the kids I care about.

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