Yesterday as I made my usual Saturday trip to church to set up my classroom, I was less than enthusiastic. I’d put it off for much of the day feeling like I had too many errands, too many chores, and too many dishes left to put away until the next holiday meal! Whatever the reason, I was wishing I could just stay at home.
But as I was outlining a hopscotch pattern on the floor in preparation for a fun game, I heard a knock on the door which I had left open. Then I heard a young mom with two preschoolers in tow call out, “Can we please come in and use your bathroom? We’re kind of in a hurry!”
Having been in the same desperate situation to find a bathroom—ANY bathroom—when my own kids were little, I welcomed her in and showed her the bathroom. Afterwards, we had a chance to talk for a few minutes while her children explored our Sunday School classroom. She has never been to our church, doesn’t know anyone who goes to our church—but stopped in the parking lot when she saw the doors open. I invited her and the kids to come for a visit. I don’t know if they ever will, but I’m praying that she will remember the open door and decide to step through it. I wondered about the timing that led me to church at just the moment when she drove through the parking lot. I wondered what God had in mind for her. And after she left, I set about getting ready for Sunday with a renewed sense of purpose. Opening doors to children and their parents is what it’s all about.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Open Doors
Sunday, November 21, 2010
What's Your Vision?
What are your hopes and dreams for your Sunday School class?
When most of us were recruited as preschool teachers, we probably thought the job mainly consisted of keeping little ones from hurting themselves (or each other!), providing snacks, singing songs and telling Bible stories. And it’s true that all those things are part of playing, listening and talking with young children.
But it’s good to be reminded that our vision for Sunday School is more than just getting through the curriculum lesson plan. If you are like me, you want to feel that you are making a significant difference in the lives of young children. We’re all busy (and this time of year, busier than ever!). So as busy people, when we choose to spend time in ministry to children, we want to know that our time is well spent.
How does ministry happen? It happens when kids are eager to act out a Bible story. I know that the combination of words and actions is a great way to make a Bible story stick. It happens when two girls both try to sit on the same chair at the same time, and we have to stop and talk about what to do so we can follow today’s Bible verse: “Love your neighbor.” It happens when a child whispers, “Teacher, you pray for me” because he is just learning how to talk to God himself. Ministry happens when you least expect it.
I want to be a teacher with a vision for ministry—not only for myself as the teacher, but also for each child. Will you join me in seeing the most active, the most difficult or the most withdrawn child, not as a problem to be overcome, but as a person to be loved into God’s family?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
God's Promise-Keeping
What makes you laugh? A good joke? A funny story?
Today was made for laughing—at least in our Sunday School class! It started during the Bible story when we imitated Abraham and Sarah’s laughter as they heard God’s surprising promise of a son. There wasn’t a child who didn’t want to give a hearty laugh. The giggles and smiles continued during the puppet script when Skitter set us all to laughing, too! And then during our Talk to Learn game, kids were laughing, even when nothing funny happened. They laughed just for fun! (Don’t you wish you were a kid again?)
Have you noticed that a child’s laughter is irrepressible? Who can resist joining in? Not me! And really, what a great way to celebrate and remember the evidence of God’s promise-keeping. He did what seemed impossible when He sent baby Isaac to be born. What a wonderful way to anticipate and be ready to celebrate when God’s promises come true in our own lives! What promise will He keep in your life today? You can laugh for the sheer joy of it!