Sheryl Haystead loved teaching kids God's Word. These writings are from her last years of teaching Sunday School and are full of wisdom and compassion for the little ones Jesus loves so dearly--Sheryl loved them, too.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Got Gifts?

Right after Christmas I remember hearing the kids in my class talking about the gifts they had received for Christmas. And in the describing of the gifts, the gifts got bigger and bigger! It seemed like a contest to see which child could lay claim to the biggest gift of all. In the eyes of children, sometimes big equals value.

The story of the widow’s small gift that was really the most valuable of all makes an impression on little kids. One of the Play to Learn activities for this story was a game in which kids tossed coins into all kinds of containers. Of course, the ones kids like the best are the metal containers that make a loud noise when a coin is tossed in! Anything big and loud seems to be a favorite with preschoolers!

But once again, in this Bible story, I’m reminded that God’s economy is different than mine. I went to church today not really expecting to be given any gifts, and thinking that my gifts to give were really pretty small. At the end of the morning, however, I knew that gifts of value had been exchanged.

I received a lot of “big” gifts: I heard preachers, I listened to singers and musicians, I saw beautiful banners. I was thankful to be led in worship through such amazing gifts. But I was equally thankful for the “small” gifts: I heard words of excitement from preschoolers glad to be at church, I listened to kids singing their hearts out, I saw beautiful works of art created by small hands. My small gifts of time, commitment and caring were thankfully received by kids, parents and co-workers. Some weeks I give more. Some weeks I receive more. Got gifts? Yes, I do. And you do, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to hear them singing their hearts out! Great post!

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