Sheryl Haystead loved teaching kids God's Word. These writings are from her last years of teaching Sunday School and are full of wisdom and compassion for the little ones Jesus loves so dearly--Sheryl loved them, too.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What's My Job?

A few weeks ago, when I arrived for Sunday School, I heard a loud “thump” against the window of my classroom. As the thumps continued, I was puzzled. What was that sound? Soon I realized that a small bird had flown into the classroom and was now desperately trying to escape by repeatedly flying into the window. That morning the job of “bird catcher” was a surprising part of my job as a teacher!

Every week there’s a variety of jobs that go along with being a teacher, but what’s your favorite part? The big hug you get as children arrive in the morning? The smiles on parents’ faces when they come to see and hear what their children have discovered about God? The joy in a child’s face as he creates zebra stripes on paper, or loads as many animals as possible up the cardboard ramp and into a big block Noah’s ark?

How fun to get to play, listen and talk with kids about God! When you are tempted to think of your job as just a craft leader, or just a play supervisor—or even a bird catcher—remember that God takes all of your efforts—even on the Sundays when things don’t go as planned—and uses them to reach out to the children He loves!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That realization really takes the pressure off ME and lets me function in joy and gratitude! God is up to something, no matter what I may have to chase, catch or clean during Sunday School! :)

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