Sheryl Haystead loved teaching kids God's Word. These writings are from her last years of teaching Sunday School and are full of wisdom and compassion for the little ones Jesus loves so dearly--Sheryl loved them, too.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Seeing Jesus

Do you think the kids in your class feel too short? Too little? Too young? Too shy? Too scared? I think they do—especially as they gather with a group of children and a teacher who they may only see once a week, or even just once a month. Imagine being four, and imagine the courage it takes to try something for the very first time, to talk to the teacher for the very first time or to be left in a room with people you don’t know.

As a teacher, how do you feel? You probably don’t feel too short! But do you feel too busy? Too tired? Too inexperienced? Or even too unmotivated? You’ve agreed to teach children because you care for the children in your church, but you may feel uncertain about what you have to offer, or afraid that your efforts won’t measure up.

It helps me to remember that Zacchaeus in today’s Bible story could have identified with many of the feelings I experience. It also helps me to remember that Jesus gave His love and acceptance to Zacchaeus when Zacchaeus must have been feeling his worst. Aren’t you glad that Jesus doesn’t wait for us to be perfect before He loves us? He knows when we’re overwhelmed; He knows when things haven’t gone so well in our class. He promises to love us anyway.

Today I need Jesus to love me and care for me. Whatever it takes for me to see Jesus (hopefully, I won’t have to climb a tree!), that’s what I need to do. For me, it's remembering at the start of each day that Jesus is with me and He has a plan. It's remembering that when I don't understand the plan, I can take one step at a time and depend on Jesus to guide me. Then I’ll be ready to help each little child see Jesus, too--right in the middle of creating tree murals and playing with blocks!


Anonymous said...

I ordered our spring curriculum but it hasn't arrived yet (any day!). From your posts I think we are on the same schedule. What's the topic, verse and goal? for 4/5 yr olds? I looked for something on the GL website but not finding a recap. mnhyrkas at yahoo

Sheryl said...

That's great that you want to get started with your preparation! The Spring Lesson 1 story for Ages 4 & 5 is Jesus making a sick boy well from John 4:46-53. The Bible verse is "Give thanks to the Lord. His love is forever." (See 1 Chronicles 16:34.) Kids can tell the way Jesus helped a family learn about His love, name ways he or she learns about God's love--and best of all--sing or pray to thank God for His love. (I know my kids will love the play dough and balloon activities!)

Anonymous said...

thank you!

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