Sheryl Haystead loved teaching kids God's Word. These writings are from her last years of teaching Sunday School and are full of wisdom and compassion for the little ones Jesus loves so dearly--Sheryl loved them, too.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week by Week

Have you ever tried to explain what baptism means to a four- or five-year old? Today our Bible story was about the time when John baptized Jesus, and as I prepared to tell the story I wondered what to say about baptism. The curriculum suggested explaining baptism this way: “When someone is baptized, water is used to show that God washes away the wrong things they have done.” I thought that was pretty clear until a parent whose son had been in my class last year told me that after hearing the story of Jesus’ baptism, her son thought he was being baptized every time he took a bath! That made me laugh, and I knew I needed to think of something more.

But what could I say? Sometimes with little ones, the more you say the more confused they get! And this story not only had the symbolism of baptism, but a dove coming down from heaven, and God’s voice speaking about His Son. I was worried not only about keeping kids’ attention, but also about being able to find the right words.

As I started the story, however, I realized I couldn’t go wrong if I followed the simple facts of the Bible story in John 1. I know that these little ones wouldn’t fully understand what baptism means. But just as John introduced the listeners in the crowd to Jesus, I am introducing Jesus to my class, too. Each story about Jesus builds the children’s understanding of who Jesus is. I’m looking forward to this quarter of lessons about the words and actions of Jesus. Week by week, story by story, my kids will be getting to know Jesus more and more! My prayer is that I will get to know Him, too.


Anonymous said...

I think we are on the same schedule as you are, I'm tempted to delay by a week so I can use your insights lol
I was unexpectedly blessed by a baptism taking place during the church service on the Sunday that we presented this lesson! Yea God!

Sheryl said...

I'd love to learn from your insights, too! Feel free to add your comments!

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